Introducing… Canabrism’s ‘Midnight Mango’
April 28th, 2018
Setting a new record for late delivery, this is the 2017 RPM Challenge album from Canabrism, entitled ‘Midnight Mango’…
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Setting a new record for late delivery, this is the 2017 RPM Challenge album from Canabrism, entitled ‘Midnight Mango’…
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It’s time for another Canabrism album release, but this one is a blast from the past…a collection of tracks from more than a decade ago!
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Becoming a rockstar is still an aspiration for millions of people, but the percentage of musicians who actually become wealthy through their art is vanishingly small – and perhaps even declining…
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After a bonanza year for Canabrism albums in 2014 – when ‘A New Suit for Susan‘ and ‘Why Do You Think‘ were released – last year was plagued by a distinct lack of any Canabrism release whatsoever. Until now, that is…
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With the advent of the Internet and the development of digital audio files, music distribution has been democratised – any artist can make their music available globally with the click of a button. However, attention is still a key component…
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For the music industry, Spotify marked something of a turning point in getting consumers to pay for music online, though the merits of its business model are still hotly contested. But as the recent release of Tidal demonstrates, there are still plenty of ‘newcomers’ trying to mix it up…
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2014 has already seen the release of one Canabrism album – A New Suit For Susan – but today marks the official release of this year’s RPM Challenge album, albeit quite some time after the February deadline…
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The annual tech theatre event that is the iPhone reveal has once again come and gone, with Apple going into overdrive to make sure the world took notice. On this occasion, there was also some significant musical collateral to consider…
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The rise of Spotify has taken music streaming subscriptions to a new level, but as we’ve seen, there’s plenty of debate about the benefit of this model for musicians. Now, YouTube are adding their own dash of controversy to the mix…
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In music, arrangement is an essential skill that every composer needs to grapple with; leaving things out can be difficult, but often improves the overall piece. But what if you leave everything out?
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