Although Steinberg have made up a lot of ground on Digidesign’s dominance of the pro audio world, many see Pro Tools as the standard platform for professional audio production. The high-end Pro Tools packages are still very expensive, but Digidesign have developed some offerings which are accessible to the less affluent end of the market…
Music Technology Posts from October, 2007
The Expanding World of Pro Tools
Wednesday, October 31st, 2007Hubris Is The Future Of Music
Tuesday, October 30th, 2007New Music Strategies is a site well worth checking out if you’re involved with the music industry in any capacity; the structure and implementation of Dubber’s blog is concise and subtly monetised, and his articles are generally insightful and often thought-provoking – no more so than his recent article which accuses Gerd Leonhard of ‘serial hubris’…
Choosing A Music Laptop
Thursday, October 25th, 2007Choosing the right laptop is critical if you plan to use it as the driver of your live music sets. Unfortunately, musicians are not the primary market laptop manufacturers have in mind when designing a new unit, so it’s vital to know what components have the most impact on audio performance…
Music Technology Rules Of Thumm
Wednesday, October 24th, 2007The Thummer is a new instrument/controller that was developed in Austin, Texas to address the needs of learning styles that may not have been adequately catered for by previously existing devices…
Napster Wireless Downloads Far From Ideal
Monday, October 22nd, 2007Napster and AT&T have struck a deal that will allow Napster’s database of over five million songs to be downloaded directly by users of the AT&T mobile network…
Make Your Own Bob Dylan Video
Thursday, October 18th, 2007Bob Dylan fans who have fewer than five of the previous Dylan compilation albums may be pleased to hear that another Greatest Songs release is imminent. This time, however, there is also a website that allows you to send customised messages via the classic “Subterranean Homesick Blues” video…
Free Downloading Music Is The Way Forward
Tuesday, October 16th, 2007In one sense, last week’s online release of In Rainbows was nothing new – after all, thousands of artists have released albums for download before this. The essential difference, however, is in the magnitude of money and hype involved – Radiohead are a major act previously signed to a major label and have sold millions of records worldwide. Even if sales of the latest album are only a tiny fraction of previous releases, they stand to make far more money from this one – simply because they control the entire production and distribution process. So what are the implications for the music industry in the face of this breakaway?
Music Tech To Puzzle Over
Monday, October 15th, 2007Douglas Edric Stanley is professor of digital arts at Aix-en-Provence school of art, and he has created a music sequencer controller that’s based on the infamous Rubik Cube…
Free Download Music Sites On The Up
Friday, October 12th, 2007Breaking away from traditional music distribution models was very much the central theme this week, with the official digital launch of Radiohead’s In Rainbows album being received with such enthusiasm that the site’s server buckled under the influx of downloaders…
(more…) – Is It The Best Music Download Site?
Thursday, October 11th, 2007The London-based online music platform has become one of the greatest success stories of Music 2.0, as their acquisition for $280 million by CBS earlier this year illustrates. is clearly a very robust model for music distribution: but why?