Reason 4 Released: Buy Reason 4 Now or Get a Reason 4 Upgrade
For some people, having a virtually infinite rack of software units with which to create an even more infinite (?) array of interconnections and arcane routing that emits sounds the likes of which the universe has never witnessed would be enough to keep them busy for decades. Not Propellerhead Software though… they’ve just released Reason 4, which throws a few new devices into the rack for good measure…
Reason 4 – Give me a reason to love you
Reason 4 – Where to buy Reason 4
As always, you can buy Reason 4 from the Stockholm PropShop, but if you prefer to get it from the UK then you can try iMusician or Gear4music, who sell both the full version and the upgrade version at the same price as the PropShop, but postage may be cheaper.
Buy the full version of Reason 4 from iMusician
Buy the full version of Reason 4 from Gear4Music
Upgrade to Reason 4 from a previous version of Reason