Work On Your Band’s Image

Image may not be everything in music, but it certainly is important. On the Web, images can be used for communicating to fans, creating an atmosphere, making your website more interesting and engaging, and even for networking…

Pictures Of You


If you don’t have a website for your band, then you should get one.

Of course, you should also have a presence on social networking sites such as MySpace and many others, but having your own website affords much more control and potential.

Using images on your website(s) is a good way to show the world exactly what you’re about, and having some basic image-processing skills will help. If you want to get started, the GIMP is worth checking out – it’s a powerful program that offers many of the features of Photoshop, but as it’s open-source, it’s free to download.

Networking With Flickr

Using images is not just about making your site look pretty – it can also be a powerful networking tool. Wire to the Ear has a very insightful post about how you can leverage Flickr to gain greater exposure for your website.

If you have a WordPress blog, you can use a variety of plugins to enhance your Flickr reach – such as WordPress Flickr Manager.


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