Challenging Your DAW – Ableton Live Tips
If you are taking up the RPM Challenge this month – or even if you’re not – these Ableton Live tips might provide a bit of guidance and help you get a bit more out of your software…
Sampling Your Environment
Sometimes it’s good to think outside the box. Spending too much time looking at flashing lights on a small screen in the corner of a bedroom can take its toll on creativity – so why not take a trip down to the kitchen, grab a melon and some cutlery, and create some real world rhythm…
Bringing New Life To Your Drum Rack
If you’ve got a lot of drum hits, you might spend more time skipping through hi-hat samples than you do actually making beats. Fortunately for users of Ableton Live, Chris Petti from Dubspot shows us how to create a drum rack that allows much faster access to your samples…
Putting The Dubstep In Live
If you’re into Dubstep bass but don’t know how to get those dirty wobbles, Loopmasters present Rob Jones for this video illustrating how to use Ableton’s Operator synth and some clever parameter manipulation to coax a variety of evil modulations – all without resorting to any external plug-ins…