Time For A Creative Challenge

The first of February is only a few days away, and that means it’s nearly time for yet another RPM Challenge. Can you write, record and produce an entire album of music entirely within the chronological confines of the shortest month of the year?

More Music, Less Time

The RPM Challenge is not a competition, but a gauntlet – if you’ve been trying to finish a music project for years yet are never happy enough with the results to draw a line under it, then this is for you. Start on February 1st, finish on the 28th and whatever you have at that point is your album, regardless of your opinion of its quality or existence-worthiness. Having a deadline can work wonders for creativity, and you’re bound to learn a few things along the way. And of course, at the end of it you’ll have an album.

Creative Distractions/Inspirations

If you need some inspiration to get the creative juices flowing, here’s a clip featuring the Dublin Laptop Orchestra and Cora Venus Lunny performing ‘Tangy Decoherence’ – an interesting blend of traditional/orchestral instruments and some alternative laptop-and-MAX-based sonic manipulation…

Or, if you just want to relax a bit, this bit of Kerry Shtyle Pulp Fiction from Tralee IT Music Technology should do the trick – and there should be a few more examples of this now that Quentin has given his blessing for them to treat the whole movie…


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